星期四, 7月 19, 2007

I don't normally use this place as a dairy, unlike in my previous xanga where I have filled it up with moaning. In fact, when I first start this blog, what I have in mind is a platform for me to make witty comments about current events around the globe. As you can see, while I do read a lot of news, wit is something that I don't have. Thus it become a desert like this.

Anyway, the reason I write this is because I am feeling very depressed - for no obvious reason. And when this happens, I always like to write it down, not to tell everyone that I'm unhappy, but to figure out why - I can better organise my thoughts through writing. Look, now I am feeling like I have nothing to look forward to, but actually, on the exact contrary, I have many upcoming changes in a month time. I want to locate the cause of this unexplainable feeling, but like catching a smoke, all I can grasp is the aftertaste of it.

Actually, perhaps it is just because of lack of sleep. This explanation can be disprove after I wake up tomorrow morning.

