星期一, 4月 23, 2007




所謂喜歡評論,不過是想講出心裡一些很直覺的說話: 我覺得這很好,我覺得這很垃圾。不須要什麼理由的。





All with Canon 10D, 由上至下:
f/3.5, 1/8, ISO400
f/5.6, 1/10, ISO200
f/5.6, 1/8, ISO200

星期五, 4月 20, 2007


不談美國憲法第二修正案所代表的,國家由人民由下至上同意而組成的意義,不能禁槍亦不只是槍械生產商的影響力所致的。美國並不只有東西岸的大城市,中間還有很大片的「middle America」,在這些地廣人稀的地方,很難維持有效的警力,因此居民必須要有自衛的能力。如果禁槍的話,要保障這一大片土地上居民的安全,將會變得相當困難 (但不是不可能的)。因此即是在國會提案的話,只有城市的支持是通過不了的。當然,不可能只在城市禁而不在郊區禁。雖然現在各州的槍械管制法有別,但是管制有別和禁與不禁之間有很大的距離,這是顯然易見的。

所以呢,要禁就要全國都禁,但這就要考慮到郊區居民的安全問題 - 這可是居於城市的香港人難以想像的 - 然而,若不禁槍,城市居民的安全又會受影響。現在的情況的是照顧了郊區的利益,犧牲了城市的利益;估計在今次事件以後,應該會有一些加強管制槍械的動作,但是禁槍相信是不可能的。城市人口是比較多,郊區人口較少,那現時的做法是否不公平呢?這就是關乎「公平」問題的核心了。


(寫咁既野會唔會有人話我係neo-con?其實我係一個guardian-reading 既sociology 畢業生黎架)

星期四, 4月 19, 2007

Creative German

is not an oxymoron. In fact, these cold, tall and discipline people are full of innovative ideas.

First it was the protester for hire. 145 Euros would get you a "all inclusive package" for six hours.

Now it is the breakup messenger. Break up for 20 Euros by phone, or 50 Euros in person. You also need to provide three reasons for seperation. The messenger have so far never "witnessed any extreme emotional reaction", probably because the whole process take about 3 minutes only and often leave the recipents in 'state of shock'.

星期三, 4月 18, 2007

Ah ha! So the V Tech massacre was done by a Korean student.

Chinese must be very pleased that America is not the model country in the world, this is all Bush's fault, and freedom must be restrained. (all unrelated)

Chinese must be double pleased that it was a Korean who did this, because, Korean have shown to be violent (look at their protests and their movies), while the Chinese, as we all known, is a gentle civilization , and are inclined to kill their fellow countrymen instead of foreigners. (The foreigners we've killed are actually our countrymen - you see).

If the suspect is a Chinese, we would have to blame American's mass culture, who make a civilized and well-behaved Chinese become a beast like the rest of Americans. Blame hamburger. Blame Microsoft. Blame constitution (thus we don't need it). Blame the movies. Blaming is easy, but it would be difficult for us to explain why we need to download Hollywood movies using BT. Thus it's better that he's not Chinese.

(Source: Sina, Chosun)

星期四, 4月 12, 2007

