星期二, 12月 02, 2008


中國 澳門 意大利 西班牙 呢D 

美國 英國 都只係比條熱線你打下
你知啦 跟大圍係政府特性 咁當然睇定D先啦
點知阿爺出手 - 但係又唔順便照顧港人喎



附上 新華時評









星期四, 5月 29, 2008

副局長及政治助理(我第一次睇以為係Politcal Assassin) 風波,經過《信報》疑似《東方》上身8日後,隨著「心繫加國」的蘇錦樑忍痛放棄加拿大國藉 (蘇宣佈之時不忘提醒大家,他同時要放棄其加國執業律師資格),相信亦會暫告一段落。

除了所謂雙重效忠問題 - 我就覺得沒什麼重要的,尤其由連回鄉証也沒有的民主派人士提出,更欠說服力 - 以外,外間對「進一步擴大政治委任制」的分析, 大多圍繞兩點。一是擴大政治委任制進一步削弱公務員權力,副局長與常秘及新聞秘書能否合作成疑;二則指被委任的十七人拉雜成軍,欠缺經驗。

兩點也有道理,但卻似乎難以同時成立 (一如自由黨於營養標籤辯論中,一時說有健康聲稱的食物已符合美國/歐盟標準,可以相信;一時說不放寬法例會影響印傭買營多撈麵,兩者都不無道理,但就不能同時講)。如果後者成立,則在實際運作上,這十七名「政壇新秀」能否削弱常秘權力,實成疑問。除非政務官有等退休之意或希望推副局長去死,否則這班政壇新貴大有可能如上一位新貴陳克勤一樣,成為政策局特別助理。反之,如果這一批政壇新貴真的能威脅一眾常秘,則必須要有 一定手腕,才可能治到具多年遊花園經驗的高級公務員。若然如此,這班新貴或可不似陳克勤而更似梁錦松。


星期五, 5月 16, 2008



星期一, 3月 17, 2008


A recent article in Foreign Affairs by Jerry Z. Muller states that, "whether politically correct or not, ethnonationalism will continue to shape the world in the twenty-first century".

The Tibet question is a prime example of ethnonationalism in the twenty-first century. While orthodox Chinese historical narrative says Tibet has been ruled by, or within influence of China since the 13rd century, and pro-independence Tibetans asserts the contrary, the fact remains that Tibetans is a different ethnic / national group than Han Chinese, and that means Tibetans are currently a minority in a nation not of their own.

It is quite rightly pointed out that the authoritarian nature of PRC makes Tibetans feel oppressed, and that if China is democratize, Tibetans and (Han) Chinese, as well as other ethnic groups, can formed a multi-ethnic nation, just like the U.S.

Jerry Z. Muller points out in his article that, the U.S. is a rather exceptional example in history. Being an immigrants' country, people arrive in the U.S. with the hope to start a new life, and with less attachment to the land, they are more ready to accept a new identity. In the rest of the world, where generations of people has been living on the same land for hundred of years,
the feelings cannot be more different. The separatist movement in Basque and Scotland highlights that, even if the country is a full-fledge democracy, the desires to form one's own nation won't die down so easily. The optimistic scenario of China being a federal democracy with the Buddhist Tibet and Muslim Xinjiang agree to form an union with other Chinese provinces seems to me as very unlikely.

The current Beijing strategy on Tibet is to encourage modernization of Tibetan society in the hope of reduce religious influence, and to accelerate assimilation of Han Chinese and Tibetans, in an attempt to create a heterogeneous Tibet which would make independence complicate. In the meantime, Beijing would simply sit and wait for Dalai Lama to die. Beijing understand well that Dalai Lama is an extremely charismatic leader who can draw international support. Regarded as a 'wise old man', most of us is able to forget that he is also a leader whose legitimacy come from divine source and faith of the followers. A religious leader with political ambition and a large followers - if the religion in question is Islam, perhpas Dalai Lama would be perceived as a threat. Beijing bet that the next Dalai Lama would be less successful, hoping that it will give them enough time to modify Tibetan society.

Beijing's hope that modernization and secularism would bring a less rebellious Tibet is somewhat misplaced. If history is a reliable guide, modernization, urbanization and economic growth lead to greater demand of nation-state, not less. It is because, as Ernest Gellner explains, when an agrarian society transform into a modern one, some ethnic group (in this case, the Tibetans) would find themselves lacking the ability to advance in society since all the key positions are occupied by another ethnic group (in this case, Han Chinese). The less endowed ethnic group would come to think that, if they have their own nation, they can be the boss.

The Chinese's control over Tibet is therefore not sustainable in the long run. This is why Beijing must prepare a plan B, a plan which will grant independence to Tibet whilst keeping Beijing's interest. Such plan should be based on a constitution agreed between Beijing and the Tibetan exile government. The constitution should include clauses that forbid stationing of foreign forces in Tibet and the separation of state and religion which places Dalai Lama as the head of state in a fashion like the constitutional monarchy in Japan, Thailand or the U.K.

The second point would be extremely difficult to push forward, given all the vested interests in the religious elites. However if Chinese is to left a positive legacy in Tibet, it would be to prevent it from returning to a theocracy state. Even when the unique character of Tibetan Buddhism is taken into account, I do think it is rather certain that a leader with divine right, unchecked by any sorts of parliamentary system, would not make a free society.

An independent Tibet would probably face the challenge of cultural transformation not dissimilar to what Tibet is currently underwent. The cause would of course be different. Instead of a "cultural genocide" by Beijing government, as some has described, the change would be brought by a new generation of returning Tibetan diaspora, who were exposed to western ideas while in-exile. The changes might be lamented by western observers as a destruction of a once utopian society, but that would be up to the Tibetans to decide.


I should address a few points that come up in most of the reports on recent violence in Lhasa.

1. Tibetans exiles and Beijing offer diverge number of fatalities. While the track record of Beijing government is rather poor on this regard, I think NYT's cautious approach of noting that neither of them can be independently confirmed is better than citing Tibetans exile's figure as fact, as some agency did.

2. Some reports cite the destruction of cultural artifacts during Cultural Revolution as evidence of cultural invasion. This is somewhat misleading as the cultural revolution attacked Chinese and Tibetan (and many more) traditions alike. A more proper evidence, in my opinion, should be the recent opening of Golmud-Lhasa railway.

星期三, 2月 06, 2008



網上擬似藝人淫褻照片 (到底是擬似藝人、擬似淫褻、還是擬似照片?),可能是近年本港最大規模的公民抗命事件。


然而,警方的執法卻敵不過市民的好性心,照片繼續在網上發放傳閱。法庭反應過敏的決定更令官方失去道德高地,做就藉口及一眾(好奇的) 知識份子將事件化為言論自由的問題,逼得警方調整立場,表明照片在「朋友」間傳閱並不犯法,一時之間,網上一片和諧社會景象,互稱朋友之聲不斷。

可見,當市民有決心集體挑戰法律之時,警方亦不得不讓步。不要輕視一眾網民的色心,可能香港民主之路亦是由此起。1968年令戴高樂幾乎要逃亡的巴黎五月,起因也不過是學生領袖(就是現時歐盟議會綠黨的主席Daniel Cohn-Bendit) 要求校方容許男生進入女性宿舍而已。不過,以內地性方面的開明,如果在香港發生因打壓性自由而引起的社會運動,大概也不會是因為中聯辦的行為所致的。