星期二, 6月 05, 2007


Sounds explosive.


With the election of George W. Bush in 2000, some of Taiwan’s most fervent
allies were swept back into power in Washington, particularly at the Pentagon,
starting with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.

They included such key architects of the Iraq War as Paul Wolfowitz,
the deputy defense secretary, Douglas Feith, the undersecretary for policy, and
Steven Cambone, Rumsfeld’s new intelligence chief, Wilkerson said. President
Bush’s controversial envoy to the United Nations, John Bolton, was

While Bush publicly continued the one-China policy of his five White
House predecessors, Wilkerson said, the Pentagon “neocons” took a different
tack, quietly encouraging Taiwan’s pro-independence president, Chen Shui-bian.

“The Defense Department, with Feith, Cambone, Wolfowitz [and] Rumsfeld,
was dispatching a person to Taiwan every week, essentially to tell the Taiwanese
that the alliance was back on,” Wilkerson said, referring to pre-1970s military
and diplomatic relations, “essentially to tell Chen Shui-bian, whose entire
power in Taiwan rested on the independence movement, that independence was a
good thing.”

星期五, 6月 01, 2007


當然了,網誌的出現令人人都可以公開自己的意見,比單是與三五知己談天說地,可以接觸的受眾是多了。於是,即使是小眾的題材,也可以找到他們的讀者 (這是長尾理論...吧?)。另外,網誌作者往往比主流傳媒有更多的時間去搜尋資料,而且不同的網誌有不同的專長,集思廣益,所知的一定比月薪八千的記者多,所以在監察主流傳媒有沒有出錯方面,網誌是做到的。


寫網誌的人,大概也是想有人看吧。如果不是有可能犯法的話,我應該會開情色色情網誌,寫一下另類變態的性幻想,例如一個對著被坦克車碾成肉餅的豬便會高潮的女孩 (這肯定是虛構的,豬被坦克碾過是不會變肉餅的,這我可是聽電視說的。)。那會比寫中東局勢多人看吧......也不一定,選材是很重要的,那麼變態的故事那有人想看呢?說回來,中東也有有趣的故事的,例如說,伊拉克有很多難民逃到黎巴嫩後賣淫以提供性服務維生,那值得寫啊,就是寫賽後報告調查報道也不錯。
