星期二, 1月 16, 2007



S'il vous plaît . . . can we be British, too?

話說係1956年蘇伊士運河事件其間,當時嘅法國總理Guy Mollet希望同英國合作,以軍事行動搶返被埃及國有化左嘅蘇伊士運河。其中一個提出嘅方案,就係英國同法國合併。當時嘅英國總理Anthony Eden否決左呢個建議,不過就考慮過以Commonwealth方式同法國合併。結果呢個方案當然比政府否決左;而當英國係美國壓力下被迫停戰之後,覺得比人玩左一舖嘅法國就自此轉向德國尋找盟友嘞。



If only we'd got it together...

- Britain would still have a thriving car industry
- The trains might just run on time
- The Channel Tunnel, an idea first mooted in the 1750s and developed by the Victorians, would have been opened at least 20 years earlier
- The end of disputes about “champagne” made in Sussex and Somerset brie
- Arsenal would stop fielding a team full of “foreigners” and England would have won the World Cup more than once
- The empire would grow from a handful of small islands to a slightly larger handful of small islands
- Tales of SAS derring do would include attacks on Greenpeace ships
